Dark chocolate consumption is associated with reduced chance of depression

This is a cross-sectional survey of over 13,000 US adults. [1] The study compared self-reported chocolate consumption with depressive symptoms. Eating chocolate was associated with less risk of clinical depression. Non‐dark chocolate consumption was not significantly associated with clinically relevant depressive symptoms. People who ate dark chocolate in the past 24 hours were 70% less…

Treatment resistant depression and the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome

This is French study by members of FondaMental from 2019. [1] The authors investigated the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components in a cohort of French patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) and looked at correlations with sociodemographic, clinical, and treatment-related factors. 205 patients were enrolled in the FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise…

Length of hospital stay and health services use of medical inpatients with comorbid non-cognitive mental disorders

This is a literature review from 2005. [1] 23 studies on the association between non-cognitive psychiatric diseases and the use of general health care services by medical patients admitted to a general hospital were analysed. Only studies with a prospective design and with a correction for possible confounding factors were included. In most studies, only…