I do not feel safe and I need help immediately
If you need help right now, go to any Accident and Emergency Department. You can search for you nearest one on the NHS website for England and Wales or on NHS24 for Scotland.
Call 999.
Ask for someone else to bring you to Accident and Emergency or to call 999 for you.
If you need urgent help
Call the Samaritans on their freephone 116 123. They are open 24 hours a day. Every day.
Call your GP practice and ask for an urgent appointment.
Call NHS 111 in England, NHS Direct in Wales on 0845 46 47 or NHS 24 in Scotland on 111.
Call your crisis team, your mental health worker or your social worker.
A list of helplines that can provide support, whether you are concerned about yourself or a loved one can be found on the NHS website.