Treatment resistant depression and the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome

This is French study by members of FondaMental from 2019. [1] The authors investigated the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components in a cohort of French patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) and looked at correlations with sociodemographic, clinical, and treatment-related factors. 205 patients were enrolled in the FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise…

Teaching patients to better self-manage their bipolar disorder slows the decline in physical health-related quality of life

A randomized controlled trial that was published in 2008. [1] Persons with bipolar disorder cardiovascular disease were recruited from a large Department of Veterans Affairs mental health facility and randomly assigned to be managed according to the bipolar disorder medical care model (BCM) or usual care. BCM care consisted of four self-management sessions on bipolar…

Cognitive behavioural therapy delivered by respiratory nurses is clinically effective and cost-effective for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and symptoms of anxiety

This is a randomised controlled trial that was published in 2018. [1] A total of 236 patients with a diagnosis of mild to very severe COPD took part in the trial. Each patient was screened for anxiety using the HADS-Anxiety Subscale. This is a questionnaire that asks patients about their feelings of anxiety and depression…